Aided schools’ management association invites applications from eligible candidates for various teaching and non-teaching posts on permanent basis for academic session starting 2024 onwards. Candidates have to apply from official website No other means/mode of submission of applications will be accepted. The recruitment will be conducted through Interview.
Basic Service Conditions:
1. These posts are as defined under Public Private Partnership Aided Schools Scheme.
2. The Teaching and Non-Teaching staff have to work on consolidated remuneration under Probational basis in Aided schools in Odisha State
3. The Service of Non-Teaching staff will be renewed every year based on annual evaluation of performance.
4. The services of those Non-Teaching staff who show satisfactory performance will be regularised after completion of 2 years.
5. The performance will be assessed in accordance with the NCTE guidelines.
6. Details about Aided Schools proposed to run in Odisha State starting in the academic year 2024, as well as post wise reservation and roster
points, will be released on the website on 10 January, 2024.
1. Vacancies/Details of Staff required
All the concessions mentioned above will be concurrent i.e., if a person is
eligible for more than one concession, only one of the concessions of the
highest permissible limit will be granted.
i) The Cut-off date for determining various eligibility criteria (Educational
Qualifications, Age Limit, Experience etc.) will be 01.12.2023. Applicants must
satisfy themselves about their eligibility as on 01.12.2023 before applying.
Verification of original documents will be done to confirm the eligibility of the
candidates only after they qualify in written exam. Only those OBC categories
will be considered which are applicable for appointment under Central
Government Rules.
ii) The OBC candidates who belong to “Creamy Layer” are not entitled for
concession admissible to OBC category and such candidates have to
indicate their category as general. Only those OBC categories which are
applicable for appointment under Central Govt, will be considered.
A candidate who claims to belong to OBC (NCL) category should submit
a certificate as per Annexure-I (as available in the detailed notification
published on AIDED SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION website) in support of
his/her claim from the appropriate issuing authority as provided under
iii) Similarly, a candidate who claims to belong to one of the Scheduled Caste
or the Scheduled Tribe category should submit a certificate as per
Annexure-all (as available in the detailed notification published on AIDED
SCHOOLS ASSOCIATION website) from the appropriate issuing
authority as provided under rules.
iv) Economically Weaker Section (EWS).
a) Candidates who are not covered under the scheme of reservation for
SC/ST/OBC and whose family gross annual income is below Rs.8 Lakh (Rupees
Eight Lakh) shall be eligible for benefit of reservation for EWS. The income shall
include income from all sources i.e., salary, agriculture, business, profession etc.
for the financial year prior to the year of application. Also, candidates whose family
owns or possesses any of the following assets shall be excluded from being
identified as EWS, irrespective of family income:
i. 5 Acres of agriculture land above.
ii. Residential flat of 1000 Sq. Ft and above
iii. Residential plot of 100 Sq Yd. and above in notified municipalities
iv. Residential plot of 200 Sq. Yd. and above in areas other than the
notified municipalities.
b) The property held by a family in different locations or different places / cities
would be clubbed while applying the land or property holding test to determine
EWS status, (the term Family - for this purpose will include the person who seeks
benefit of reservation. His / her parents and siblings below the age of 18 years
as also his / her spouse and children below the age of 18 years).
c) The benefit of reservation under EWS can be availed upon production of an
income and asset certificate issued by a competent authority.
2. General Instructions:
i) Candidate Can download for Interview call letter from the website on prescribe
dates mentioned above for all posts.
ii) No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
iii) Working E-mail Id & Mobile No is necessary to register and receive necessary
iv) Candidates for interview should report at the venue half an hour before the scheduled
v) Candidates reporting for interview should invariably carry all relevant original
documents along with a set of Xerox copy of the same to be submitted in the interview
venue and a passport size photograph and a valid ID proof.
vi) Last date of submission of application form will be .
vii) Candidates are advised in their own interest to submit online applications much before
the closing date and not to wait till the last date to avoid the possibility of disconnection
or failure to login to the website during the closing days.
viii) Registration fees for attending interview and document verification is Rs.1000/- candidate
have to pay online via net banking, UPI while Submitting Application form.
ix) Candidate who has entered wrong details online and produced wrong documents to
participate in interview process, their registration fees will be not refunded.