About Public Testing Office (NTA)
The Service of Instruction (MoE), Legislature of India (GOI) has laid out the Public Testing Organization (NTA) as an
free, independent, and self-supported head testing association under the Social orders Enrollment Act (1860) for
leading proficient, straightforward and global guidelines tests to evaluate the ability of contender for confirmations
to head advanced education establishments.
The NTA has been depended by the College Awards Commission (UGC) with the undertaking of directing UGC-NET which is a test
to decide the qualification of Indian nationals for 'grant of Junior Exploration Partnership and arrangement as Right hand Teacher',
'arrangement as Collaborator Teacher and admission to Ph.D.' and 'admission to Ph.D. just' in Indian colleges and schools.
Fee Payable for UGC-NET JUNE-2024 | |
General/Unreserved | Rs. 1150/- |
Gen-EWS*/ OBC-NCL** | Rs. 600/- |
Scheduled Caste (SC) / Scheduled Tribes (ST) / Person with Disability (PwD) | Rs. 325/- |
Third gender | Rs. 325/- |