Odisha B.Sc. Nursing 2024 Counseling

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Odisha B.Sc Nursing alludes to the Four year certification in scientific studies in Nursing program presented in the province of Odisha, India. It is a 4-year college degree program intended to get ready understudies for a lifelong in nursing. The program consolidates hypothetical information with pragmatic preparation to outfit understudies with the abilities and skill expected to convey quality medical care administrations in different medical care settings. Understudies signed up for the Odisha B.Sc Nursing program go through thorough scholastic preparation in subjects, for example, Life systems, Physiology, Microbial science, Pharmacology, Sustenance, Clinical Careful Nursing, Pediatric Nursing, Obstetrics and Gynecology Nursing, People group Wellbeing Nursing, Mental Endlessly nursing Exploration.
Upon fruitful finish of the program and passing the important assessments, graduates are qualified to apply for licensure as enrolled medical attendants. They can seek after vocation valuable open doors in clinics, facilities, nursing homes, local area wellbeing focuses, government offices, instructive foundations, and other medical services settings.
A few alumni may likewise decide to seek after advanced education and specialization in regions, for example, basic consideration nursing, mental nursing, pediatric nursing, or general wellbeing nursing through postgraduate examinations or confirmation programs. The Odisha B.Sc Nursing program assumes an imperative part in creating gifted and skilled nursing experts who contribute fundamentally to the medical care area, serving the medical care needs of people, families, and networks across the territory of Odisha 


• Opening Date  Registration of Application fees – 22.05.2024 5 PM
• Last Date of submission of Registration – 17.06.2024 by 11.59 PM
• Last Date of  payment of Application fees – 19.06.2024 by 11.59 PM

Exam NameOdisha B.Sc Nursing
Exam TypesUG Level
Exam LevelState Level
Course OfferedNursing
Conducting BodyDirectorate of Nursing Odisha
Application ModeOnline
Official Websitehttp://www.nursingodisha.nic.in/
HelplineTel: 0674-2393842, 2393840
Email:- dirnursing.odisha@gov.in


Instructions To Candidate

Candidates in their own interest are advised to apply & submit application promptly and not to wait till the last date/time for applying online. Directorate of Medical Education and Training, Odisha shall not be responsible if candidates are not able to submit their applications on account of the last-minute rush.
Candidates should take utmost care in furnishing/providing the correct details while filling-up the on-line application. YOU CAN EDIT THE INFORMATION AFTER SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION TILL THE LAST DATE OF SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FORM.
Application once submitted cannot be withdrawn and fee once paid will neither be refunded nor adjusted.
Please retain print-out of application form for future references.
Please do not send hard copy of the application form or any documents to the office of Directorate of Medical Education and Training, Odisha.

• Opening Date for On-Line Registration of Application and online payment of Application fees – 22.05.2024 5 PM
• Last Date of submission of Registration – 17.06.2024 by 11.59 PM
• Last Date of submission of Online Application and online payment of Application fees – 19.06.2024 by 11.59 PM

Read the Instructions carefully and select "I Agree" and Press 'Apply' button to proceed further.
For detailed information click on 'PROSPECTUS' and read it carefully before filling-up the on-line application.
Before start of filling-up of application through on-line mode, the candidate should keep ready, the following details/ documents and upload the Scanned copy of the original(not photocopy) documents :
Scanned copy of the recent passport size color Photograph (not older than 3 weeks).
Scanned signature.
10th (HSCE) pass certificate and mark sheet issued by BSE Odisha or equivalent thereof.
Original 10+2 pass certificate and mark sheet issued by CHSE Odisha or equivalent thereof.
Caste Certificate in respect of reserved categories.
PWD Certificate in case of Persons with Disability candidates.
Service Certificate in case of Ex-Servicemen/Serviceman.
Green card Certificate (all pages) for Green Card Holders.
Candidates should have a valid Mobile Number and to ensure that it is active during the entire admission process. OTP (One Time Password) for resetting the password / Final locking & unlocking of Choice and all other important communication will be sent on the same registered Mobile Number.
Candidates agreeing Terms & Conditions may apply by clicking (√) in the Box & press 'Proceed' button. Candidate must fill the complete Personal Details, Address Details & Academic Details and Upload photo/signature & above mentioned documents.
Instructions regarding scanning of Photograph and Signature: Candidates should upload the scanned (digital) image of their photograph and signature in JPG/JPEG format,as per the process given below:
Photograph Image:

o Photograph must be a recent passport size color picture on light background (not older than 3 weeks).
o Look straight at the camera with a relaxed face.
o The size of the scanned image should be up to 40-200 kb in .JPG/ .JPEG format only .
Signature image:

o The applicant must sign on white paper with Black ink pen.
o The signature must be signed only by the applicant and not by any other person.
o Please scan the signature area only and not the entire page.
o Size of scanned image should be up to 40-100 kb in .JPG/.JPEG format only.
Online Payment of Application fees:

After completion of personal information, education details and document upload, please review the completed application. If found any anomalies on your information, please proceed back, and make the necessary changes otherwise proceed forward for payment.
Pay the application fee through Net Banking /Card payments / other payment mode (UPI).
Please do not pay multiple times in case of any broken transaction. Wait for 48hrs and give a call to technical support after 48hrs for payment confirmation. In case of unsuccessful payment confirmations try to pay another time.
The applicants who will not pay the requisite application fees within the scheduled date, their applications are liable to be rejected.

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